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Serena’s Reindeer poop

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 cup of coconut

around three cups of confectionary sugar

2-3 cups ground oreos

Mix together in large mixer

will be sticky


use powdered sugar to powder your hands.

Roll into small dropping size balls with the palms of your hands.. don’t worry about them being pretty they will be ugly anyway.

Place onto cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

I have a double boiler ready on my stove. Once the water is to boiling turn down the heat a tad, add you some Almond Bark pieces and a small chunk of paraffin wax.  Stir .. turn down to simmer as the chocolate melts smooth.. and begin to quickly spoon your reindeer poop in one at a time, and back to the wax paper from where it came.


Add a little shimmer with some silver cupcake flakes on top for a magical treat for the kids.. not only is it fun and a conversation starter especially for the little ones, but it is delicious.

PS  you can also change the recipe’s flavor dramatically and still very delicious, by adding only a DROP and I say a drop.. of Peppermint Oil.

You tell the kids jokingly that that reindeer must have had  lot of candy canes .. and to tell the difference between your peppermint tasting ones and your chocolatey ones, simply add a sprinkle of red sugar to the tops instead of the silver flakes..

Hope you enjoy my recipe I created. My kids really like it.. they fight over the “droppings”

Merry Christmas,  Serena






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