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    RECIPE SUBMITTED BY Michelle Bolt Riffe
    I snagged my mom’s recipe for chow chow, to me its good and Ed Tucker loves getting this too,and most people who try it really like it, the recipe for it is:

    6 medium onions
    2 quarts of cabbage
    1 quart of green tomatoes
    6 green peppers
    8 cucumbers
    1 1/2 Tbsp celery seed
    2 Tbsp mustard seed
    1/2 small jar of ground allspice
After chopping all the ingredients cover with 1/4 cup of salt and let st overnight, DRAIN the next day BUT DO NOT WASH IT OFF
combine all ingredients with 5 cups of vineager and 71/2 cups of sugar in a large pot.
Cut several pieces of cheese cloth make it thick ,put the allspice mustard seed and celery seed in the center tie it up and make a bag out of it make sure nothing escapes the bag or it doesnt fall apart.
Put this in the pot too, Put the pot on the stove and when it comes to a boil cook for 20 minutes then can it.
It usually makes 6-7 quarts.
mom scalds the jars with boilinghot water after they are washed and leaves the hot water halfway in them and while the chow chow is hot she takes a jar at a time pours out the hot water and pours the hot chow chow in then wipes the top puts the lid and rings on and in about an hour you start hearing the seals popping tight its neat and the whole housse smells like pickles 🙂
OR if you prefer you can (process 10lbs pressure for 10 minutes)

    Michelle Bolt Riffe you need to wait at least a week after it is canned for it to pickle and get the chow chow taste



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