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2 egg whites
3 cups white sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup light Karo syrup
1 tsp vanilla

1. Cook sugar, corn syrup, and water in a heavy two-quart pot over low heat, stirring constantly, until sugar is dissolved. Cook, without stirring, to 248 degrees on candy thermometer.
2. While mixture is cooking, beat egg whites to form stiff peaks.
3. When mixture has reached 248 degrees, add half to the egg whites and beat.
4. Cook remaining half of mixture to 272 degrees and add that to the egg white mixture. Add vanilla.
5. Beat until mixture holds it shape. Quickly stir in chopped nuts if desired. Spoon out on waxed paper using two spoons, one to dip the mixture out of the pan and the other to push the mixture off the spoon and onto the waxed paper. Let cool and enjoy!



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