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  • RECIPE TAKEN FROM- Christal D Gibson

    just the basic:
    1 qt. boiling water,
    2c. borax,
    2c. washing soda,
    few drops of essence oils,
    and a bar of soap (grated).
    I have added the following to the mix
    small bottle of original dawn,
    1c liq oxy clean,
    and a small bottle of cheap liq. detergent.
    (I like it better than essence oils cause the smell last longer)
    Add finely grated bar of soap to boiling water, stir until melted (u can turn it on low hear until melted),
    pour into a 5 gal bucket,
    call borax and washing soda stir until dissolved,
    all rest of ingredients, stir, then finish filling bucket up with water, stir until well mixed. cover bucket let sit for 24 hrs.
    With out the extra ingredients it’ll gel up, but with them it stays in liquid form.
    I have to big jugs that I pour it in and use about a cup per load, shake it before using
    detergent lasts me about 2 months if not longer.

you can even make your own softener, well more like stretch it.

I buy a bottle of liq. softener pour half into another bottle then add water. You can also use it in the dryer by pouring some in a dish, use a small sponge, wring it out and toss in dryer, then reuse the sponge for the next load.



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