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Started out with a pkg of country style pork ribs with bones in

and I had two more packages I added in, of boneless rib meat.. (it was on sale and we like a lot of meat, leftovers if you have them freeze well)

Put them in your crock pot before bedtime and add a 1 can of mountain dew or citrus drop

now you can chop up a small onion or half of a large onion and some peeled, chopped  garlic cloves to add to the crock

Now time to add one cinnamon stick if you have it.. if not that is ok too

Add salt and pepper, put it on low with the lid on and go to bed

get up and take out what’s left of the cinnamon stick in the morning..

take out the bones as well

now push all meat to the side of crock pot and using a cup or measuring device, or ladle, scoop out some of the liquid, NOT ALL, but enough to where the meat is not swimming in it, yet it is still very moist..

Now add your favorite BBQ sauce.. I am using Original Bullseye, takes about two bottles if you have a lot of meat

now add in some pure honey.. taste and add to your liking.. (about 2-3 Tbsp )

Stir well and serve


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