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Christmas Jello

recipe borrowed from this site

  • 2 boxes (make 1 liter jello each) of Jell-O or store brand “gelatin dessert” in red and green colors. (in my case, strawberry and lemon, I had to add a few drops of green colouring).
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (740 g)
  • 12 unflavored gelatin sheets
  • some vegetable oil to grease the molds for optimal unmolding


  1. For each gelatine flavor, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. In my case, I had to dissolve one box (two sachets) of jello into two cups of boiling water, and then add another two cups of cold water and stir until disolved.
  2. Pour the jello into a tupper container or a foil disposable mold (grease it for better unmolding) and chill (overnight is best, but 3 hours is enough).
  3. After chilling the two flavors, cut them into small blocks, and mix them.
  4. Oil lightly a bundt mold, and place the mixed blocks on it.
  5. In a separate bowl, place 12 sheets unflavored gelatin into 1 cup cold water. After the gelatin blooms (5 minutes), add 1 cup boiling water and dissolve. Add the can of condensed milk. Stir and cool for at least 15 minutes.
  6. Pour cooled milk mixture over jello and chill overnight. Unmold and enjoy!



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