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Now get you a skillet… really any large heavy skillet will do..(I sometimes use my cast Iron for brown gravy unless I have it busy elsewhere like today full of biscuits)

just put in your grease and about a small egg size of Butter (NOTE instead of oil if you have it use the drippings -strained fat leftover from your bacon sausage ect.. whatever you just fried)

let it get really hot but not smoking

now take about… oh.. 3 heaping Tbsp of self rising flour and sprinkle about the hot grease.. (I don’t measure it)

have a wooden spoon ready to start stirring .. you want the flour to BROWN.. almost to a burn but NOT a burn.. if you get my drift ….. this is called your roux it gives off  a nutty smell when browned

NOW you will add you a can of evaporated Milk while stirring at the same time

NOW you will have a tall glass of water beside you ready to pour in.. a little at a time… can’t tell you how much I use cause it is according to how the gravy goes as I make it…

you pour it in and stir stir… and you let it boil but turn heat down as it boils so it can thicken up

then add more and stir.. ect.. you get the idea..

Kaye so NOW.. you are ready to SEASON.. season with SALT and PEPPER.. don’t be stingy…but don’t go all crazy either.. taste.. then season TASTE then season.. you can ALWAYS add more so use caution and build on taste that makes a good cook..

at this point you  stir and you have BROWN GRAVY…


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