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I have not set way to fix a candied ham.. in fact each time I do it I seem to do it different.. I sometimes use molasses.. sometimes honey.. You can find a lot of different methods of my madness on this site if you type in the words candied ham on the search bar ha ha.. well here is you another one.. no real recipe but it was the best I could do to explain what I did.. =) Serena.





Large 10 lb  fully cooked Ham I use the TAVERN HAM Brand hams.. very little fat.. and moist and delicious
brown sugar
ground nutmeg
ground cinnamon
ground cloves
Dr Pepper about 8 ounces or more..

can of crushed Pineapple drained

Pineapple chunks

white sugar

Tbsp of Djon Mustard



Put the ham in a large roasting pan,. You can slice away hard outer skin from ham with a sharp knife, leaving a thin layer of fat. but this time I just scored the ham in a diamond pattern

use about 2 cups of brown sugar in a bowl and stir in a tiny bit of dr pepper from the can to create a thick sauce. Rub sauce all over the ham. Pour the rest of the dr pepper  around the ham.

Bake ham on lowest oven rack at 325°  .. after 45 minutes or so you take ham out for a moment and brush on honey.. then pat down VERY CAREFULLY don’t get burnt.. some brown sugar all over top and side.. Brush top of ham with honey.

Put it back in the oven and keep baking it.. I now make a sauce on the stove.. with brown sugar, white sugar.. drained crushed pineapple, a tiny bit of Dijon Mustard maybe 2  teaspoons..  and of course you need  a stick of margarine or butter,  spices are 1/2 tsp of each- cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon.. you have to boil it a LONG time  to get it to reduce into a thick syrupy sauce.. stir it and when it reduces your ready to pour over the ham..


CAREFULLY>>>> you can really get burnt on this recipe.. LOL..  I now put brown sugar over top again like you saw before…. I know how to do it without getting burnt but to tell you is hard.. ..


Once my ham is heated through.. should be about 2 hours or so.. I take it out and DO NOT TOUCH IT.. let it rest if you cut it now out comes all your juicy flavor and your ham is not as good..  once you let it rest you will see the candy has hardened considerably..

NOW time to slice it.. if you have a TON of liquid in your roasting pan you can discard SOME of it.. but be sure and leave some it will keep your ham moist and delicious long after today..

When you slice it you will lose some of the candy but DO NOT throw it away.. put it in the roasting pan with your sliced ham and your juices you reserved.

I open a can of large pineapple chunks and I drain it and pour it over the sliced ham.. sprinkle cinnamon and sugar and a bit of brown sugar over top.. and some pure honey….  take ladle and ladle some of the juice over top all ham and put in the oven on broil .. not sure h ow long you can tell by the look and smell..

take it out and ENJOY!!!!

NOTE:  I put the ham and juices in a crock pot and put it on KEEP WARM SETTING so the ham would be warm and safe as the dinner went on..



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