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This recipe is suuuupppper EASY. Which is a plus right.. sometimes ya just need to do nothing.
All ya need is some rinsed skinless boneless chicken thighs.
Stick em in a bowl before bed (or before work) with some healthy squeezes of Zesty Italian Dressing. Cover and place in fridge.
When your ready for them take them and throw them on a roasting pan with a raised rack for drainage.
Grab a few small red potatoes and rinse and place around the chicken thighs,








Salt and coarse salt to season, as well as a little pepper, and parsley flakes.  you could go spicy and add some crushed red pepper if you wanted or just leave it as is.. toss in the hot 425 degree oven and put a timer on for 45-55 minutes or till chicken runs clear.. DON’T OVER COOK.. or Under cook for that matter.  But just be sure to check it.. I hate dry tough chicken…








Take out.. enjoy the fruits of your hard labor



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