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To get started with sourdough. You have to have a starter. Or some call it a sponge. I have 6 recipes for starter.
My favorite is a Potato Starter
1)Boil some potatoes for supper, save the potato water, and use it lukewarm with a couple of cups flour to make a thick batter without yeast.
This is also the way most farm gals made it in the olden days.
Let stand a day or so, or until it smells right. A delectable yeasty odor.
Secrets of good sourdough:
–avoid mixing the batter too much. Over mixing knocks the gases out of the dough, which are needed for the raising process.
–never put back in the starter pot anything but flour or water, especially salt, eggs, soda or cooking oil.
If the starter turns orange, throw it out.
— Use lukewarm water, never hot or cold water. Sourdough can be kept in the freezer indefinitely, they even improve with time. Baking soda turns sourdough yellow, so you may wish to use baking powder instead.
–Wheat flour in starter doesn’t raise as high but works faster than white.
–The batter should always be at room temperature when you use it. When making starter, first warm the pot with hot water.
–Buttermilk usually requires a bit more leavening when used in most recipes.
From the Complete Sourdough Cookbook;Don & Myrtle Holm 1973 
Anytime you take some out you add back.
Add 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm water, this feeds it new yeast making material and keeps it going.

Joanna Stringer Goff So happy you are on here…


Joyce Montano What’s bearsign?
Richard Bradley Bearsign are sourdough donuts. In 1978 my son and I made some for the Cub Scout Bake Sale. Many elaborate cakes, and one small plate of 12 bearsign donuts. Sold for more than 98% of the cakes. I was proud of my son.
Serena Adkins Ellison I would be proud too
Sourdough Sams (i.e.bearsign or donuts)
1/2 cup sourdough batter…………………………..2 egg yolks or 1 whole egg
1/2 cup sugar…………………………………………1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 tbsps. shortening…………………………………..1/4 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups flour…………………………………………….1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp . baking powder………………………………..1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 cup sour milk or buttermilk
Sift dry ingredients, stir into liquid, roll out, and cut. Then heat some oil to 390* and fry. This is an easy way with no interruptions. Makes 17 doughnuts and holes. Dust with granulated sugar or a mixture of cinnamon and sugar in a shake bag.
You can freeze and thaw out cooked doughnuts for other times.
This recipe comes from Don Holm
Joanna Stringer Goff good for company comin!
Sometimes my starter gets too low, what am I doing wrong?
Richard Bradley Anytime you take some out you add back. Add 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of warm water, this feeds it new yeast making material and keeps it going.

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