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A perfect head of broccoli will be big and have lots of very tight green buds.

Broccoli needs cool medium weather, full sun, water, and rich soil

Plant broccoli plants  18 inches apart space rows 24 inches apart

water often

Broccoli is temperature sensitive… if too cold heads form way too early , too hot same thing…  ideal temperature for broccoli is between 65 and 80 degrees.

When you see a flower head beginning to form in the center of the plant, start checking it often as every day.  Cut the broccoli  head while the tiny buds are still closed tight. Your broccoli isn’t good when the flowers open

NOTE: If the buds begin to swell or show yellow (the flower petals), cut the head from the stem right away, no matter how small it is, because the opening buds have a mealy texture. JUST cut the head not the whole plant, you want to leave it in the ground because you will still get more shoots of  broccoli out of the plant

Heads keep for about a week in the fridge.

Rinse well before doing anything with your broccoli, as bugs slugs ect could easily be hiding in the broccoli. I don’t recommend soaking your heads because it will make them mushy.  once rinsed you can place on a kitchen towel on the counter to dry before cutting and storing in the fridge or freezer.

I like to use kitchen sheers and cut off my spears


Enjoy your fresh garden broccoli




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