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Great little Craft to give as gifts for different occasions. I have put Photos on for Funerals in leu of flowers, and put the candle in a nice vase or lantern box.

I have made them for gifts to friends and relatives wedding and baby showers (here is one with my niece Marissa getting proposed to at the beach)



and even for my kids Sunday School Class

those I did the pics myself and then took the small candles to class, let the kids draw on a piece of paper with marker, saying Happy Mother’s Day and I put their creation onto the candle with a heat gun..



First find the pic you want to Print, Flip the pic so it prints backwards.

Take a sheet of hard stock photo paper and cut one sheet of white tissue paper to where you can tape it onto he photo paper so it won’t catch in your printer. Leave no slack.

Print it out like regular it prints right onto the delicate tissue paper but is held steady by the heavy photo paper underneath..

you take it out and cut the pic out .. you discard the photo paper and take the thin image of tissue paper and place directly (Ink Side) onto the white wax candle.

Then you will take a piece of wax paper and wrap tightly around the photo on the candle.. leaving enough wax paper for you to grasp hold in back of candle


take a heat gun on low and carefully (they get super duper hot) go back and forth over the image until the image comes through the wax paper clear. Once you see it clear and the edges are adhered you simply pull of the wax paper carefully.  NOTE if you hold the heat gun too close or too long on one spot it will melt and ruin the candle.

These were done for Pastor Appreciation


These were done for my mom’s Aunt Wilma’s Funeral, for family members to take home in remembrance of her in leu of Flowers that would be gone in a few days.



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