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SNOW-BODY loves you like Jesus-

Sunday School Christmas Craft Idea

From THIS.. To THIS,,      

First I bought two 2×4’s for a grand  total of $6.00  and marked with tape measure how big I wanted my snowmen.. I wanted a pair for each child.. one tall and one small.. My husband cut me out the wood pieces in a matter of minutes free of charge =) ..   Be sure to cut a few extra in case you get guests or new students  or major mistakes during this process..

Next I got a piece of my hubby’s sanding paper (if you buy it it would only be like a 1.25)  and I sanded off the rough edges to make my blocks smooth.. remember little details matter.. and little fingers will be handling these blocks at Sunday School.

my son’s helped me sand.. I had a LOT of wood pieces (do the sanding somewhere AWAY from where you will be painting FYI

Okay so I have everything I need now.. time to paint.. Remember this is an easy project but you need to have some of the first steps done for your class.. you only have an hour in there and you have lesson plans.. snack time, and crafts time needs to be as smooth and CLEAN as possible.. so best you do some prep work done so you can run your ship smoothly.

So I got my paint free.. I was blessed because a friend of mine who paints for a living donated a ton of her paint to the church.. I know most would choose white but I chose a smoky gray blue for my snowmen .. one because the color was beautiful, two because the color is forgiving of dirt, mistakes and wear and tear.. If you purchase your paint yourself you could just get a small can I had TONS of paint left in my little jug.. you maybe could even just get a couple cans of spray paint and spray them down …

Now start your painting

make sure you get the tops.. and I set mine on the bottom on a flat surface to dry.. let dry overnight

Next I took a couple of old Shirts of my boys that he had grown out of.. they had checked patterns on them.. I cut them into long strips.. not worried if they were straight or not.. and used the strips to tie on my snowmen as scarves.. tie tight but leave enough room for a face

Now I let my class room kids draw faces on the snow men with pencils

I then tell them NEXT week they will be painting..

And I do this next step myself before the next Sunday School Class… I do NOT want kids with hot glue guns.. they are easy for even adults to burn themselves on.. so you will need to get a glue gun, several glue sticks,  some buttons.. some BLACK pipe cleaners, some BLACK pom pom balls the big ones, And a pack of tiny Christmas Bows from the Dollar Tree all VERY inexpensive items

Take your pipe cleaner and wrap in circle a about the size of a silver dollar.. then hot clue a spot on the side of the TALLEST snowman and set the circle on then dab the black pom pom and set it in the middle of the circle.. there is your Top Hat for your Daddy Snowman

for the bows.. just snip off the back ties with scissors and glue to the top of the “mommy snowman”

Now I did the buttons.. I used what I had on hand in my junk  basket..

now you are ready for the kids to come Sunday for their painting day.. have paper plates for paint, extra paint brushes small ones, (paint pens are cool too and less mess) your aprons or old t shirts for them to cover their Sunday best in.. and your set to go.. oh and I told the kids to bring a  gift bag to Sunday School to put their mommy and daddy’s present in.

To tie in JESUS to this craft for Christmas.. you will simply make some name tags on your computer or by hand that say..

SNOW-body Loves you like Jesus , you will attach this to the gift with a card you have let the children write a special note to their parents in.. (or grandparents) my boys are in my class so they are making theirs for their grannies I think LOL

LOL we put our J’s backwards.. but that is ok

I will post more pics when the class finishes painting  theirs THIS Sunday =)


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