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SUBMITTED BY : Kath Hoelzlhamme

Original Recipe KFC

6cups Crisco cooking oil
1 egg
2 cups milk
2cups all-purpose flour
4Tbls salt 2 teaspoons black pepper
1 teaspoon MSG ( you can use Accent Flavor Enhancer)
2 frying chickens with skin, each cut into 6 pieces

1. Pour the oil into Pressure cooker & heat over med. heat to about 400*F
2. in small bowl combine egg & milk a separate bowl combine remaining dry ingredients
4. Dip each piece of chicken into milk mixture until completely coated
5. Roll the moistened chicken in the flour mixture until completely coated groups of four or five, drop the covered chicken pieces into the oil and lock the lid in place
7.when steam begins shooting through the pressure release, set the timer for 10 minutes
8.After 10 minutes, release the presser and remove the chicken to paper towels or metal rack to drain. Repeat with the remaining chicken,
makes 12 pieces


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