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Cooking oil is expensive!

I learned a long time ago not to throw out my oil just because I used it to make some French fries or whatever it may be..

I leaned I could get a lot more use out of that oil. You can tell it is good by the color of it.. once it starts getting dark you can just throw it out.

I use an old ugly large vintage pressure cooker bottom to deep fry in. Or my cast iron dutch ovens.. It can take a lot of oil and lets face it money is tight.

So once you have finished with your deep frying you let it cool COMPLETELY before the next step.

(I always have an empty vegetable oil bottle around because when one is empty I save it just for this purpose. )

So once the oil is completely cooled. You put a funnel in your empty vegetable oil bottle and you place a small strainer over the funnel. You then simply pour your vegetable or peanut oil straight from the pot into the funnel

place your lid tight and store in dark place.


It will get a few more uses out of it.

After a few uses or more and you see the color getting to a dark caramel,  you don’t wanna save it anymore. I still pour it into the same vegetable container because now I can throw it out.  No mess either because the lid is tightly screwed on.

And you will start a new one with your next deep fry.



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