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RECIPE AND PHOTO BY Judith Parady Rice


Bud and I didn’t feel like going out tonight, so we stayed in and I came up with a new strata. This is the outcome..Delicious!

Butter 9×13 dish. and Cube six slices bread( I used Arnold’s Country Oatmeal)

Saute 1/2 cup red pepper,

1 lg. onion,

1/4 cup roasted red pepper chopped fine,

1 cup cubed ham,in 1 Tbls butter..

1 Tbls EVOO

Wisk six eggs , and 2 cups mild, 1/2 tsp. dry mustard,1/4 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper.

Pour milk and egg misture over bread.Spoon the ham, onions and peppers over the top of egg mixture.

Add one can of sm , black olives (leave whole) one lg chopped tomato,,1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese,eight slices of Swiss cheese, and one cup mozzarella cheese.

Add pepperoni on top and sprinkle w/ 1/8 tsp oregano.

Bake at 350 for 50 min.or till knofe comes out clean and top is golden.Enjoy!


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