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This recipe is approximately 75 years old and it did not have instructions on mixing, or the time to bake and temperature. When our family uses the recipe, the ingredients are mixed  in the order that they are listed.

Makes a lot of batter and is baked in a large tube pan that has been greased and floured for approximately 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Then put over into a Bowl and pour Cooked Icing over top and serve warm with ice cream.


2 cups butter

4 cups sugar

6 Tbsp buttermilk with 2 tsp soda dissolved in it

6 eggs

3 tsp Cinn

2 tsp cloves

2 tsp allspice

2 tsp nutmeg

6 cups flour

2 cups blackberries



2 cups sugar white or brown

2 egg whites beaten stiff

2/3 cups water in sugar boiled until it spins a hair

Pour in egg whites beat until stiff enough to spread.

Flavor to taste.

can make icing THICK or THIN…..  Just DO NOT SCALD…

Cut while warm

and serve with ice cream





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