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This cake is very moist, very temperamental, and very worth the trouble.  It’s odd combination of ingredients does come together to make a very filling cake. Not for the dieter or the diabetic I am afraid.



4 sticks butter

6 eggs

1 cup of sour cream

3/4 cup mountain dew

3 cups granulated sugar

3 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 bag coconut

1 Tbsp vanilla or butternut flavoring

Coconut for toasting


Cream your sugar and butter together

add eggs, 1 at a time mixing well

add sour cream a little at a time mixing well

add all other ingredients

mix well

grease and flour pan well. Or use bakers joy spray

bake for 1 hour 30 minutes

the first 45 minutes you bake on 300 degrees then the rest of time increase to 325

take care when un molding from pan.. this cake is so moist it may loose it’s top for even the best baker if you turn it too soon.

drop cake on counter a couple of times and give a shake, and loosen with cake spatula around edges.. when you have done all  you can do to loosen without breaking it, turn it over onto a plate

(I made my syurp while the cake was baking  will post recipe below)

also have some lightly toasted coconut ready


Pour some of the syrup over cake, Sprinkle with toasted coconut around top heavily and wherever syrup is you may stick on the leftover coconut or pile high and down middle.. it adds a wonderful crunch to this moist cake.

Serve warm with milk.. very filling cake.


We canners never throw out any leftover sugar water (heavy syrup) after canning peaches, or pears or what have you… we stick the leftover sugar water in a canning jar and put in the fridge for later use.

NOTE: This syrup I am making is such a time that sugar water is needed. Now if you do NOT have any on hand but you want to make this cake, you can simply make your own to jar for canning I do 4 cups of sugar to eight cups of water but if I just wanted some for the fridge I would cut that in half and boil 2 cups of sugar to 4 cups of water , let boil then add corn syrup, taste and let cool. and you have it.  ALSO you can just drain the heavy syrup from peaches or pears that you canned but a hint of the fruit flavor WILL show up in your syrup but thats ok

NOW to make my home cooked syrup

I just need about 2 cups of sugar water (heavy syrup)

1 cup of brown sugar

a large egg size of real butter

boil and stir constantly

till spoon starts to coat and grain is boiled out.. tastes a bit like caramel but not thick

Now  turn off heat and beat with mixer

let sit to cool a bit.. pour warm syrup over cake





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