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was what I decided to do with my primary class this year. You simply get a Coloring sheet for a cornucopia and print out however many you need, and print out a second sheet of fruits and veggies.

you will need brown construction paper a stapler, glue sticks and coloring utensils.

I printed a base page with my scripture for thanks on top (this also serves as the kids scripture they must learn for the following Sunday to come)

I had the base page already stapled in the middle to brown construction paper for them and the edges glued down with glue stick.

The fruit takes a long time so I also had the Cornucopia cut out.. I told them to color the cornucopia first and bring it to me so I could be gluing down the cornucopia in the center of their base page while they worked on their fruit.

Remember you only have an hour. And you have lesson plan, Party food for Thanksgiving, (Pumpkin Pie for us today), prayer requests and prayer and you have your activity for them to take home. This all goes really fast so the more prep work you can have done the better.


Today was easy for me though because over half my class was missing.. I only had four today… but still this was time consuming. The kids really were proud of their end result. =)


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