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  • This is my sister’s recipe for sourdough starter. I don’t know if it’s the same or not as the ones previously posted.
    3/4 cup sugar
    3 Tablespoons Instant Potato Flakes
    1 pkg. active dry yeast
    1 cup warm water (120-130 degrees)
    Combine first three ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Stir in warm water. Cover with plastic wrap & pierce 3-5 times. Let set out for 8 hrs. and then put in fridge for 3-5 days.
    When ready to make bread, refeed as above & let set out 8-12 hours and then take away 1 cup to make bread & put remaining starter in fridge again for 3-5 days.
    • Lynn McGinnis Ok, do you refeed every 5 days if not used?
    • Patricia Stover I’ve never done that, Lynn; always used it. However, u can freeze it also for later use.
    • Patricia Stover Sometimes, rolls; cinnamon rolls, and she makes orange rolls that r to die for.
    • Lynn McGinnis Hmm, I would think that freezing it would kill it. Glad to hear that you can do that and keep it.
    • Brenda Ronnie Johnson If you are not going to make your bread discard amount you would use and feed .
      Patricia Stover Brenda Ronnie Johnson, when I first started bringing this bread to work, do you remember Shirley wanting the recipe; she kept it going for yrs her family loved it so much. lol
      Lynn McGinnis Eileen, did you take it to DHS? I don’t remember that, and I have always loved sourdough bread
    • Brenda Ronnie Johnson Yes and I got a starter from her. It was the best I have ever had. I kept it going for a long time also. I wish you could get me another starter.
      Brenda Ronnie Johnson I just think it is better when you get a started that has been going. Seems to raise better.



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