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These are fantastic plain with just some powdered sugar sprinkled on top as pictured, but I sometimes put the chocolate icing on as well I like to make peanut butter icing too with brownies.. if your family is like mine and some want plain some want icing just keep it in the bowl and let them dab it on their own brownie

Serena’s Perfect Brownies*****

3/4 c cocoa

2 c sugar
2 tsp vanilla

1c butter
4 eggs

1 c flour
1/2 c nuts (optional)

Cream butter and sugar add eggs and beat well blend in cocoa; vanilla and flour mix nuts into batter. Pour into greased 9x13x2 pan bake 325 35 min

Fluffy cocoa frosting
1/4 c cocoa 2 c powdered sugar
1/4 c butter 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 c milk

Mix cocoa with sugar cream with butter blend in vanilla and milk beat until right thickness add more sugar if needed


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