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4 cups of thinly sliced potatoes

small onion chopped small

5  cloves of garlic minced small (reserve one clove for later to put in the sauce)

add garlic and onion to pan with a tbsp butter and begin to saute


meanwhile add your sliced potatoes to pot of salted water and bring to boil . (Don’t let them boil to breaking just want them tender then turn off)

Add in 2-3 pounds of hamburger to your garlic and onions, Season with salt and pepper. Once hamburger is cooked, drain  and start your sauce.

For Sauce

add the reserved minced garlic clove you cut up and saved earlier to a saucepan

add the rest of the stick of butter you took the tablespoon from for your onions

and turn on medium high heat.

add in a 8 0z block of cream cheese

use a whisk and break down your cream cheese, turn down heat slightly.. add in a little parsley, and add in 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese, and 1 cup of white milk.

stir with whisk to desired consistency.. need it a little thinner than usual so you may need to add another splash of milk to think. turn heat to simmer while you begin to assemble your dish.

Take a 9×13 baking dish. spray with nonstick. Add a layer of potatoes, salt and pepper lightly,

scoop you some hamburger over top of the potatoes

Pour half of your cream sauce over top of the hamburger and spread with spatula

add second layer of potatoes (saving enough potatoes for one more layer)

sprinkle some blended cheese over top of potatoes

add the rest of the hamburger

add the rest of the cream sauce

add the rest of the sliced potatoes

salt and pepper lightly

and top with a shake of parmesan cheese and the shredded cheese blend

take one cup of milk and pour over the whole dish.

place in 350 degree oven and bake 30 minutes

take out and let sit before serving with green beans and rolls.


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