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very easy to make and very pretty and fun for a change for the kids and the whole family. The taste is pretty nice too.


1 – 5 gallon bucket makes about 4 -5 quarts

1/3- 1/2 cup water

2-3 drops cinnamon oil

shake of cinnamon

cup or so of sugar

sliver butter

red food coloring

I start with some apples we get off the tree out back.. not sure what the name of that old apple tree is but the apple is a reddish color with a green hue.. the apples never get over medium size .. the taste is sweet with a sharp tartness at the same time..a very pleasant tasting apple with some zing to it.

I peel and core all my apples trying to make sure no seeds are left. Then I put them in a heavy stock pot and on the stove with a VERY SMALL amount of water, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 cup of water.. just enough to keep the ones on bottom from sticking.. I want my apples to make their own DO NOT put a lot of water in..

using wooden spoon stir as they cook down.. I put a sliver (literally a small sliver, not even a tbsp more like a tsp or two) of butter in my apples and I stir.

NOTE: Now at this point you can run-through the sieve if you want smooth but I really want CHUNKY today.. plus I’m tired and it is easier.. plus I really like the taste of the chunky apples in this sauce..

So now.. I add some sugar to taste.. remember I said these apples were tart.. I add a lot.. but you can add how you want.. remember YOU will be eating this not me.

I taste it to see if the sweetness is where I want..

now I add 2 drops of cinnamon oil  (very potent.. when I say drops I mean drops) you can stir and taste and if need more can always add more but can’t take away.. so use caution.

stir and add my red food coloring.  stir till nice color you want comes out..

Now I add a shake of cinnamon…

Now its time to jar up

put my hot lids and rings on and do a water bath of 10 minutes in boiling water 1 inch over the jars..



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