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SUBMITTED BY: Dawn Parkison


this is recipie I use all the time from my Better Homes and Gardens, Cooking for Today, Pizza book but I am telling it the way I make it

2 1/4 to 3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 package yeast (I buy yeast in bulk bags, so I use a large stirring spoon, pouring the yeast twice in spoon, that measures out to be equal to 1 pckt of yeast.)

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup warm water (120 to 130 degrees)

2 TBLSP.s cooking oil (I prefer virgin olive oil for more authentic taste)

In a large bowl combine only 1 1/4 cups of flour, the yeast, salt, oil and warm water and beat with electric mixer on high speed for 3 minutes ( I do not do this, I mix it with a large plastic spoon hard and fast by hand). Gradually stir in more flour. Turn out dough onto flat surface to knead; knead in flour till you have a moderatly stiff dough that is smoothe and elastic. Divide the dough in half. Cover with a kitchen tea towel and let rest 10 minutes. Obviously this makes 2 pizzas, but I combine them when making a large cookie sheet pizza, but normally I do 2 pizzas and prefer using pizza stones lightly sprinkled with cornmeal to cook our pizzas on. Roll out dough, add toppings, and bake usually on 400 degrees for 12-18 minutes depending on toppings.


WHOLE WHEAT PIZZA DOUGH: Prepare PIZZA DOUGH as above, except reduce the all-purpose flour to 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 cups; add 1 cup whole wheat flour after beating.

CORNMEAL PIZZA DOUGH: Prepare PIZZA DOUGH as above, except reduce all-purpose flour to 2 to 2 1/2 cups and add 3/4 cup yellow cornmeal after beating.

CHEESE PIZZA DOUGH: Prepare PIZZA DOUGH as above, except add 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese with the yeast.

GARLIC & HERB PIZZA DOUGH: Prepare PIZZA DOUGH as above, except add 2 tsp.s dreid basil, oregano, or italian seasoning, crushed and 1 clove garlic, minced, with dry ingredients.

DAWN’S HEALTHIER ADDITION: I truly think using whole wheat flour gives not only great taste but good fiber to your families diet, in addition to that I sprinkle ground flax seed into my finished dough right before rolling it out. This adds omega 3, more protein, more fiber, more potassiium and a great, nutty, more rich taste to the crust and it only takes like 2 to 3 tsp.’s to do that!!



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