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Got this off the web.. so cute 




fresh pineappes (as many as you wish) 


If the pineapple boat fruit salad is being prepared for the main course, plan on one pineapple half for each person.

Begin by thoroughly washing the outside of the the pineapple.

Lay the pineapple down on a large plate or cutting board with the top facing you. 

With a large sharp knife, cut the pineapple in half from the bottom to the top so that each half has half of the green leafy top.

Using a curved grapefruit knife, cut around the inside of one of the pineapple halves about 3/8 inch (1 cm) from the outside, being careful not to cut through the skin of the pineapple. 

Then cut the inside into 4 or 5 lengthwise wedges, being careful not to cut through the skin.

Begin removing the wedges from both sides of the pineapple, using the knife to release any pineapple that was not cut through.

Then slide the knife under the center wedges to loosen them. 

Cut the wedges into bite sized pieces and place them in a large mixing bowl along with any juice.

Repeat with the other half.

Wash and peel the oranges, separate into sections, cut the sections into bite sized pieces, and add to the mixing bowl. 

Peel and slice the bananas and add to the mixing bowl.

Add the blueberries, and mix all the fruit together.

Spoon the fruit back into the hollowed out pineapple halves, so that it is mounded above the pineapple. 

Serve very well chilled.



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