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Pam says “No better feeling than slicing your own sandwich bread and the bonus is the kids will eat the crust, I use the dough hook on my kitchen aid and loaf pans to bake.” 

This is the recipe I use

2 cups warm water 

1tbsp of active dry yeast 

1/4c honey (or sugar) 

I let the yeast bloom for about 10 minutes then I add 

2tbsp butter (melted) 

2tsp of salt and 

5c all purpose flour or bread flour.

I start with 4 1/2 c and then add the rest

once it starts to get all together into a ball.

Sometimes I use a bit more but it all depends on humidity, temperature but you want it to not to be sticky.

I let it rest for 1 hour and then punch it down, divide into 2 and put each loaf into a butter loaf pan.

Let it rest another hour or until it doubled again and then bake 350 for 30 mins.

Let it cool for about 1 hour.

The kids love it!Even the crusts!

the bread pan I use


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