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Okay so if any of you teachers out there have been looking for a cheap mostly Mess Free, craft project for your Sunday School  students. Here is a great one I found. I modified it slightly by  not using the elmers glue and instead using some double sided tape I got from Lowe’s home improvement store. it is very strong and worked GREAT.


Okay so all you need is :

  • Macaroni shells
  • construction paper
  • Elmers Glue (I used DOUBLE SIDED TAPE)
  • A cross print out
  • Glitter
  • Large Glue Stick



Next you will simply cut the double sided tape and tape  bottom of it onto cross for the children.. leaving the blue backing on top side and let them peel that off themselves (tell the girls to keep their hair away from the tape as it is very sticky)

give each child a cup or bowl of macaroni to stick onto the tape after they have peeled off the blue backing.

give each child a sheet of construction paper in the color of their choice with 4 pieces of double sided tape so they can tape down their macaroni art to the construction paper.. it makes it sturdier and also gives it a nice frame.

Finally have the kids write on their Macaroni art their names and if giving as a gift, the name of the recipient as well,

then have each child come up as you help them take a large glue stick and swipe it over the macaroni, then take glitters and shake over the macaroni.. shake off extra glitter (NOTE: I use a upside down card board lid to a box as my glitter station, the edges of the lid help keep the glitter together and later I reuse it, saves money and messes)

the great thing about me using the double sided tape instead of the glitter, was my kids were able to take their projects with them the same day instead of waiting for it to dry if I would have used glue.

NOTE: remember to bring extra plastic grocery bags for your students so you can put the macaroni art in them so that no glitter will get in the sanctuary after Sunday School.



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