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Italian Cannoli Shells

These are lighter in color, the Sicilian Shells are darker, as they have Cocoa Powder in them.. I done both today to show you the difference in color

you can plainly see the difference in color.. they taste different as well. both taste good, but the cocoa I will say is harder to roll out.. more delicate a dough.

Ingredients for the Italian (lighter Cannoli Shells)

1 3/4 tbsp flour

2 tbsp butter chunked

1 egg

2 Tbsp Marsala (1/4 cup) …. ( or 1/4 cup water with  1 tsp pure almond flavoring and 2 tsp White Vinegar)


Cut in butter with pastry cutter (some people use food processor, I don’t)

add egg and Marsala (I used 1/4 cup water with  1 tsp pure almond flavoring and 2 tsp White Vinegar instead of Marsala )

wrap in glad plastic wrap and let rest in fridge for at least 45 minutes.


after chilled and refrigerated for 45 minutes or more take out

cut into 4ths

take one of the 4ths and put on a lightly floured board

roll out very thin and cut into rounds (or squares your preference)

put rest in fridge in plastic wrap until ready to use


take and roll onto your cannoli forms

brushing  with egg white or water,  just at the  tip  ends where they meet,  so they will stick.. then press  good…with fingers to secure.

press  good at the part the dough meets.. or it will puff up and come apart during the frying process


Have your  clean oil heated to at least 375 but make sure you don’t let it get overly hot.. start turning the heat down a bit once oil gets ready.

can use lard instead of oil, makes a very crispy tasty shell.. either is fine.

put cannoli shells one at a time in basket

and drop into oil for about 1 minute.. you want it done and very crisp but not burnt.

take out and let sit on paper towel or old dish towel

let cool, and be very careful not to break shell as you remove from form (I use the back of an Ice cream scoop to pound the peg down a notch and they slide off easily after that)

At this point you can put shells in a sealed plastic container for a day or two before filling if desired..  one tip.. the shells are SUPPOSED to be able to keep up to two days if put in a air tight container with a paper towel for moisture.. but ….. I think they are best eaten as soon as they come off the deep fryer.. they lose their CRISP.. and like any good FRIED FOOD fresh is always better.. =)


take out when ready and fill


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