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How To Separate Cream From Unpasteurized RAW Milk

Strain your unpasteurized fresh milk into a very clean sterile Large Glass Tea/Lemonade Jar with spickett at the bottom and a screw lid on top of jar. This will be a very helpful trick in separating the cream from the milk.

You will let it set on the counter for a few days about 48 hours and you will begin to notice the separation process on it’s own.

You can clearly see the heavy cream on the top, has the most fat content bottom will be skimmed or like a drinking milk.

Butter or sour cream will be made by the heavy cream you get off top.

You can see a cream line.. right there is where you have like half and half you can make coffee creamer out of that part.

The top you open the lid and ladle out, skimming off the top to try and fill your jar.. don’t go deep as to only get the cream. The spout at bottom you can use to get off the milk from there.

If you do not have one of these Tea/Lemonade Jars you can also use a store bought gallon milk jug and just poke a hole in the bottom over a large tub or pot, and let the skim out to the skim line then plug your hole and pour out your cream in another bowl.. another method.

When working with Raw Milk, BE SURE everything in your environment hands, bowls, jars, lids, ladles counter is all completely sanitized and clean with hot soapy water, as not to introduce anything to your milk/cream.


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