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1 pint heavy cream in instant pot , add in 1 quart rich cream line milk that has not been skimmed off yet. It will separate again and the buttermilk will be at bottom and sour cream will be at top as it rises and pasteurizes.

put in nstant pot, hit yogurt button, hit adjust and set to boi. put lid on put to sealing and let it pasteurize.

when it comes down you will take instant pot out and put down in a tub of ice water to cool down quickly. 85 degrees is cooled enough to add to the buttermilk you are making, a culture ,, using 1/2 cup already made buttermilk , you will add it to the instant pot. Stir it good.

put lid on it and let it sit out at warm room temp all night. Pour into a half gallon jar, label it sour cream and set on counter for the night.

next morning just skim off the sour cream from top of buttermilk and put into pint jar. You store in fridge, it is done.


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