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A friend from church gave me some Black Walnuts… I had saw mom harvest walnuts before when I was small but I had actually never done it… simple process but very time consuming..
the next few pictures I have documented the steps in which I took to harvest my walnuts..


Put on latex gloves as to protect skin from dyes released from the black walnut as you remove hull (outer skin) from walnut…

to remove hull from walnut the easiest way I found was to put them in small walmart bags tie them up and put them benind my tires of my vehicle and roll slowly back over them then forward.. this did not crush the nut only the hull… some were still in tact but very easy to remove after they were loosened…

wash them off, careful of your skin and clothes because remember the dye is still on them and it DOES NOT COME OFF for a very long time…

place walnuts out to dry somewhere safe from squirrels and critters.. they are not ready yet

Cracking a Black Walnut requires effort. An English Walnut Cracker will not come close. A hammer and a cinder block is what I used on an old picnic table.. place them in a towel on top of the block and hammer, retrieving nut meats.

A Cracker made especially for Black Walnuts makes the job easier.

Pick out all nut meats and place in bowl careful not to put any of the hard shell in bowl



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