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SUBMITTED BY: Lora Wills Lilly

Just a couple days ago I learned not to trust my eight year old to make even microwaveable mac and cheese.

He was in the kitchen saying “Uh mom, come here…quick!!” I looked in the kitchen and smoke was rolling out of the microwave!!

There inside was a hard lump of black noodles with the container melted to what looked more like a lid! He forgot to add any water!!! What a mess! My microwave still smells like burnt macaroni noodles!

We had to open every window and door in the house and I thought we were gonna all have to crawl on the ground just to get away from the smoke!! It was priceless! His face was blood red when I came in to find him, not sure if he was that scared of me or the smoke rolling!!

lol hilarious!



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