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Maw Maw’s Raspberry or Blackberry Fruit Cocktail Salad*****


Delmontî Gallon Fruit Cocktail

2 Cans cut Pears

1-2 cans Cherries

Fresh Black Raspberries (if can’t find -use bag frozen Black berries in frozen section)

Mixed  frozen bag berries (strawberries blueberries )

Cut up 3 -5 apples slices small and thin

Cut up 2-3 bananas

orange slices


1 can cut pineapple tidbits

1 bunch of sliced red seedless grapes

Maraschino cherries sliced



Sugar (taste)

Making tons be sure and buy 10 pound bag sugar

Store in jugs or large jars in fridge till time to serve.. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE to make it plain.. leave out the raspberries/ blackberries, we usually make a batch of both plain and purple… lOl




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