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Sugared Pecans:

In small skillet, combine 2 tablespoons butter and 1-tablespoon oil, med-low heat, with 2-oz pecan pieces.

Stir only until heated and barely bubbly.

Sprinkle with 4 tablespoons sugar.

Stir briskly only till sugar dissolves, on low heat AS THESE BURN QUICKLY!

Work fast. Dump them into paper towel lined plate.

Spread out to cool while you prepare the rest. 

Plumped Raisins:

In small saucepan, combine 1/3 cup raisins and 1 cup boiling water.

Cover pan with lid 20 minutes.

Drain and discard water.

Add 1/2 cup packaged shredded coconut to raisins.

Set aside. 


In Dutch oven, combine 6 cups water and 1/2 cup sugar.

Bring to boil. 

While you wait for that to boil, combine in medium bowl, 3 cups Bisquick, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, stirring with fork to moisten thick dough.

When water comes to boil, drop dough by rounded tablespoonful into boiling water, making about 14 dumplings.

Cover pan with lid.

Simmer dumplings very gently 20 minutes.

Uncover and let cook another 10 minutes gently.

Baste often in the liquid, which has began to thicken and creamy looking.

Remove pan from heat.

With slotted spoon, remove HALF of dumplings to greased 8″ square baking dish.

Sprinkle with pecans and raisins/coconut.

Arrange rest of dumplings over that.

Set aside. 

Make sauce next.

Caramel Sauce:

Strain remaining liquid into heavy 2 1/2-quart saucepan.

Bring to boil. Stir constantly.

Add 1 cup packed light brown sugar, stirring vigorously, med-heat until it boils briskly 2 or 3 minutes or until sugar has completely dissolved and sauce drops from spoon in large drops rather than like water.

It should be the consistency of smooth gravy.

Spoon sauce over dumplings filling dish right to the rim.

Cool 15 minutes.

Cover; refrigerate to serve within few days.

Micro warm servings or

use cold with a scoop of ice cream on top of each.

Serves 6 to 8.



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