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SUBMITTED BY: Dawn Parkison


will feed 4 w/leftover soup to freeze for another time

need a large stock pot

1 package bow tie pasta

5 to 7 chicken thighs with the skin on

4 celery stocks chopped including the leafy part at the top (wash well before chopping)

1 small onion chopped fine

4 large carrots peeled and chopped in slices

1 large can swanson’s chiken broth

1 tblsp. minced garlic

1 bunch parsely chopped ( I like curled or italian parsley)

1 tblsp thyme

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 red bell pepper minced (optional)

olive oil

add a little oil to stock pot and saute onions, garlic and celery, once sauted add the chicken thighs, carrots, thyme and black pepper(minced red pepper too if desired) Then pour water over all of that about 3 to 4 inches above everything. Cover with lid and cook on medium high for 25 minutes occasionaly stirring, then turn heat down and simmer for another 30 minutes; you want a low rolling boil. Take out a thigh and check to see it’s fully cooked, throw it back in if not and cook longer. You can debone and remove skin on a plate and shredd meat with a fork, if meat is cooked through, adding the meat only back to stock pot. Once all of thighs have been tended too you can add parsley and the chicken broth cook another 15 minutes on minutes. Add the bowtie pasta to the chicken soup with a few sprinkles of salt; cook till pasta is tender about 10-12 minutes. Serve hot. Bow tie pasta soaks up the broth so be sure to have some additional broth for leftovers when you reheat at another time.

I’ve used this soup to help cure the chills and run down feeling of the cold or flu, or simply to feed a hungry group on a chilly day! Enjoy!



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