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SUBMITTED BY: Rosetta Sperring

Candy Topped Pretzels 

Place pretzels in a single layer on a cookie sheet and top each one with a candy disc. The candy can be bought in the baking area of Walmart or craft stores. They usually come in different flavors…these are assorted. You can also sprinkle them as they come from the oven with assorted decoaraton candies. 

Heat oven to 300. Once the pretzels are all topped with the candy, place in oven for about 3 – 5 minutes. Ovens vary so take them out wihen the candy starts to bubble at edges. You have to work fast if you want to place any additional candy on top as they cool fast. Do not stack them until the candy is solid again as the candy may come off the pretzel. A few usually slide off, but the majority stay on. These are very cute for parties and gatherings as they are very different! So easy to make!



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