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1 8 oz pkg cream cheese (room temp)

1 8 oz tub whipped cream (chilled, not frozen)

2 pkg of your favorite instant pudding (I like cream cheese pudding)

1-2 cups of milk

bananas or other fruit

the original recipe that i received was to mix according to the directions on the pudding pkg then add the cream cheese and whipped cream (actually in lesser amounts)

This is how I make it and no one can resist the temptation.

in a large bowl (I prefer metal) cream the cream cheese until smooth and slowly add the pudding pkgs while blending you will want to begin adding the milk in small increments until you get the desired thickness. I like it thick enough that it is like cheese cake then add the whipped cream and blend until mixed well.

There are so many things that could be done at this point depending on the thickness of your pudding. Put it in a pie pan with a graham cracker crust, fill parfait glasses or other small dish for ind. servings.

Line a bowl with nilla wafers for dipping


This could even be made a little thinner and used for a fruit dip.



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