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I like to try all sorts of biscuit recipes… I got this recipe out of an OLD OLD Antique baking powder recipe book..  =) It was fun but they were too thin for me. I like the simple country drop biscuits mom and granny made much better 

flour should be sifted once before measuring..

measure 2 cups sifted flour and put in sifter which has been placed in empty bowl

Measure four level teaspoons of baking Powder

and 1 1/2 tsp salt to the flour in sifter..

Now sift all dry ingredients into bowl

2 tbsp shortening and put into dry ingredients… (for a shorter biscuit use 4 tbsp shortening) Half lard, half butter or other solid fat can also be used instead.

Using steel fork mix shortening lightly and thoroughly with dry ingredients

Measure three fourths cup milk and add slowly to dry ingredients. Just enough to make soft dough mix lightly with fork

Toss dough onto lightly floured board.

Pat dough out lightly with floured ands to about one half inch thick

If desired it can be rolled out very lightly with floured rolling pin

Cut out with biscuit cutter dipped in flour.

Place on greased pan far apart if a crusty biscuit is desired, close together if you prefer a thicker and softer biscuit. Gather up pieces of dough and repeat process until all is used.

Bake in hot oven at 475 12 minutes or till nicely browned on top and bottom

Light and flaky hot biscuits ready to be served


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