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A big ole mess of Crappie with Fries.. Paul and James caught the Crappie at Blue Stone this weekend


take your cleaned crappie meat and cut into strips like chicken finger size
put in a bowl of milk or half and half cream to soak

then in another bowl take some seasoned Mc Cormick Cajan Fish Fry or Louisiana fish fry and add a fist full to the bowl (all these ingredients you just adjust according to the amount of fish you are frying I am not measuring any of this) You then take a fist full of self rising flour add to that. Then add in a palm size of yellow corn meal.

stir it up and add in some ground red pepper flakes to your liking.

take out of milk and roll in batter and add to 1/4 inch of hot veg oil. salt and pepper let drain serve with fries and ketchup and BBQ Baked Beans


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