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can use Crock or jars

7 lbs cucumbers about 3 1/2 inches long

12 stalks fresh dill

3/4 cup pure granulated salt (in my canned dill pickles I use canning salt on mine for crispness but this is what the recipe called for in this antique book)

2 1/2 cups cider vinegar

2 1/4 quarts water

12 green grape leaves, (or 1/2 small horse radish root diced)

Wash cucumbers thoroughly in 2 or 3 cold cold waters then chill in cold water for 4 hours. Drain.

Do not split cucumbers, but pierce each with knife or fork, then pack vertically into clean sterile quart or half gallon jars or crock, leaving enough space in the top for dill. Wash the dill quickly through cold water to remove dust, fold up compactly and stuff one stalk down between the pickles and one in top of each jar to fill up the space above pickles, heat vinegar, salt and water just to boiling, immediately pour over pickles, filling jars to 1/4  inch from top, stuff in folded grape leaves. Seal store in cool dark place.. pickles will be good to eat in 3-4 weeks they make up 6-7 quarts.


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